FGV incorporates new signposting to facilitate access flow and to remind travellers of social distancing rules.

filed under Noticias.

Arcadi España stresses that this action is part of the measures to guarantee the safety of travellers6,000 posters and signs in Spanish and Valencian are being installed in the main Metrovalencia and TRAM d'Alacant stations Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) has begun to install new signposting to facilitate access flow for users of Metrovalencia and TRAM d'Alacant and to remind them to comply with the social distancing rules. The Regional Minister of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility, Arcadi…

The Generalitat carries out the first steps in the underground section of the future Line 10 of Metrovalencia

filed under Noticias, Noticias FGV, Noticias Metrovalencia.

The works between the stations of Alicante and Amado Granell were interrupted by the declaration of the state of alarm.The construction of this line as a whole has a budget of 50 million euros and is co-financed by the European Union. The Generalitat (Valencian regional government) is carrying out the first works for the construction of the track superstructure, architecture and equipment of the underground section of the future Line 10 of Metrovalencia, which will connect the city centre of…

The Generalitat begins work on the renovation of Line 9 of the TRAM d’Alcant between Gata de Gorgos and Dénia

filed under Noticias, Noticias FGV, Noticias TRAM.

This action allows to continue with the implementation of the Modernisation Plan of the railway connection between Benidorm and Dénia. The planned work affects 10.93 kilometres of railway track and has a completion time of 11.5 months. The Generalitat has begun work on the track renovation and infrastructure conditioning of Line 9 of the TRAM d'Alacant (Benidorm-Dénia) on the section between Gata de Gorgos and Dénia. This procedure has a budget of 14.5 million euros and affects 10.93 kilometres…

FGV installs hand sanitising gel dispensers in the main metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant stations

filed under Noticias.

FGV has installed hand sanitising gel dispensers in the main Metrovalencia and TRAM d'Alacant stations in order to encourage preventive actions against the spread of the coronavirus. This measure is added to the distribution of masks planned by the Security Forces and is carried out in the lobbies of the main transit points of the Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) network in Valencia and Alicante. The decision taken by the Regional Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility…

FGV awards the 2019 Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant (Alicante Metropolitan TRAM) low voltage power supply contract

filed under Corporativo, Noticias, Noticias FGV, Noticias Metrovalencia, Noticias TRAM.

Low voltage is used for above ground stations, the La Marina offices in Alicante and in the event of an emergency in the underground stations The public company likewise put out to tender the servicing and maintenance contract for the underground stations' low voltage electrical installations Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) has awarded the Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant  (Alicante Metropolitan TRAM) low voltage power supply contract for the coming year for an amount of 484,000 Euros, VAT included. Low…

El TRAM de Alicante ha puesto 151.628 trenes y tranvías en servicio en 2014

filed under Noticias, Noticias TRAM.

Las unidades de FGV han realizado 2.963.476 kilómetros por las cinco líneas del metropolitano El transporte metropolitano realizó una media de 415 desplazamientos diarios El recorrido efectuado equivale a dar 73 veces la vuelta al mundo siguiendo el perímetro del ecuador El TRAM Metropolitano de Alicante ha ofrecido durante 2014 un total de 151.628 circulaciones de trenes y tranvías en el conjunto de la red. Esta cifra supone que diariamente hubo una media de 415,4 circulaciones por las cinco líneas…

Metrovalencia ofrece servicios especiales para la Cabalgata de Reyes de Valencia

filed under Noticias, Noticias Metrovalencia.

El horario se ampliará hasta pasada la medianoche para facilitar también las últimas compras navideñas FGV pondrá en circulación 56 unidades más de lo habitual entre las 21:00 y las 00:40 horas Los destinos serán Torrent Av., Seminari, Paterna, Aeroport, Marítim-Serrería, Alboraya-Peris Aragó, Vicente Andrés Estellés, Tossal del Rei, Marítim-Serrería y Doctor Lluch Los Magos de Oriente llegarán el día 5 a Manises en metro, al desplazarse desde la estación de Aeroport a la de Salt de l`Aigua Ferrocarrils de…

La exposición “El Centenario del Trenet de la Marina a La Vila Joiosa” permanecerá abierta al público hasta el 6 de enero

filed under Noticias, Noticias TRAM.

Se han recopilado fotografías, documentos y objetos referentes a la llegada del ferrocarril al municipio La muestra forma parte de las actividades organizadas por FGV con motivo del centenario de la puesta en marcha del tren que une Alicante y Denia La exposición “El centenario del Trenet a La Vila Joiosa”, que acoge la Casa de la Barberà en La Vila Joiosa permanecerá abierta al público hasta el próximo 6 de enero. La muestra organizada por Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat…