- The initiative is part of the activities planned for the celebration of Mobility Week from 16 to 22 September.
- The drawings can be sent in digital format to the e-mail address concurso_fgv@gva.es until 23rd June.
Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) has announced the 1st Drawing Competition “Travel and take care of the planet with Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant”, on the occasion of European Mobility Week, which is being held from 16 to 22 September.
The competition is open to pupils in the 2nd and 3rd grade of primary education, who must use their drawings to depict references to the metro or tram and highlight how the use of public transport avoids carbon dioxide emissions into the environment and promotes a more sustainable world.
The works can be delivered until 23rd June to the e-mail address concurso_fgv@gva.es, in digital format, scanned as a PDF, not photographed and in high resolution, 300 DPI. Participants must provide, accompanying the drawing, their name, full address (street, postal code, town and province), age (school year) and a contact telephone number. Due to the current situation caused by the health crisis, participation by sending work by post or courier will not be accepted.
FGV has established three prizes consisting of a bicycle for each winner and a bag with promotional material. In addition, the 1st-place drawing will be chosen to appear on an FGV tram to celebrate Mobility Week.
The competition judging process will be held on 1st September, where a jury made up of 2 representatives of FGV and a person from the Association of Illustrators of the Valencian Community will choose the prize-winning works. The official announcement of the winners will be made on 3rd September and the prize-giving ceremony will take place during Mobility Week.
To judge the work presented, the jury will take into account the originality, creativity and presentation of the work; effort and performance required for the project; and will take into account the school year and whether the student is a special education student.
The competition rules state that entries that are not related to the theme of the competition, and/or that contain images or text that may be considered offensive, degrading or in bad taste shall automatically be disqualified.