The Generalitat awards the supply of high and low voltage power worth 14.1 million euros to Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana

filed under Corporate, Noticias FGV, Noticias Metrovalencia, Noticias TRAM.

The new contract covers the consumption needs of Metrovalencia and TRAM d'Alacant operationsThe energy expected to be used in one year exceeds 90 million kWh The Generalitat has awarded the supply of high and low voltage electricity worth 14,165,622.59 euros, VAT included, to Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) for one year, within the Framework Agreement for energy distribution to the consumption points of the Generalitat Administration, its public sector and Member Entities 3/20 CC. Exp. 21/020. The current contract,…