Semana Europea de la Movilidad

filed under Corporate, Corporativo, Noticias, Noticias FGV.

  • Over the weekend, FGV will participate in the Fira de la Mobilitat de València and collaborate in the celebration of the Ciclovía Litoral in Alicante
  • On September 22, Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant will offer free services to celebrate the European Car-Free Day

Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) once again joins the initiatives and activities planned for the celebration of European Mobility Week, which begins on September 16 and ends on Wednesday, September 22, the European Cars-Free Day.

This coming weekend, FGV will participate in the Fira de la Mobilitat (València Mobility Weekend- VMW 2021), organised by the city council and taking place in the town hall square from Friday to Sunday. FGV will provide information on the new Line 10 as well as metro and tram services.

On Sunday, September 19, FGV will collaborate in celebrating the Ciclovía Litoral in Alicante. On this occasion, Line 5 of the TRAM d’Alacant will stop running from the Porta del Mar and Sangueta stops between 7am and 2pm.

On Wednesday, September 22, Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant will provide free transport services throughout the day, coinciding with the European Car-Free Day.

At the same time, different FGV media will be used to publicise the “Mou-te amb Impacte Zero” (Travel with Zero Impact) campaign promoted by the Department of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility, as well as the educational activities of the “Hui Descansa el Cotxe” (The Car’s Rest Day) campaign, which this year is being organised with the slogan “Canta al Só de la Mobilitat Sostenible!” (Sing to the Sound of Sustainable Mobility!) for students from public and private primary schools throughout the Comunitat.

“Travel and take care of the planet with Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant”

As part of the planned activities, FGV will present the prizes for the first “Travel and take care of the planet with Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant” drawing competition.

The competition began in June and was open to primary school pupils, who had to use their drawings to depict references to the metro or tram and highlight how the use of public transport avoids carbon dioxide emissions into the environment and promotes a more sustainable world.

FGV has established three prizes for Valencia and Alicante respectively, consisting of a bicycle for each winner and a bag with promotional material. In addition, the 1st-place drawing will be chosen to appear on an FGV tram to celebrate Mobility Week.

To judge the work presented, the jury, including the illustrator and Doctor of Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Mar Hernàndez, took into account the originality, creativity and presentation of the work; effort and performance required for the project; the school year and whether the student is a special education student. The winners from Metrovalencia are Sara Amiryan Peña, year 3; Sirine Nait-Atmane, year 5; and Oliver León Coll, year 3. The three TRAM d’Alcant prizes went to Marc Muñoz López, year 6; Zoe Estévez Bangnoi, year 6; and Flor Lombardo Aroca, year 3.

Collaboration with STOP Accidentes

Also as part of this Mobility Week, STOP Accidentes will be exhibiting the photographic collection “Peatón no atravieses tu vida” (Don’t cross your life, pedestrian), the result of the national photography competition of the same name, from this week onwards at Bailén station in Metrovalencia.

These are unpublished images that reflect risky or inadequate situations for pedestrians, passengers and/or drivers, as well as the dangers they have to face in terms of street furniture, inadequate signage, architectural barriers, etc. within the urban and interurban environment.

In October, after Bailén, the same exhibition will be displayed in the Mislata Metrovalencia station.