- These actions are included in the project for the renovation and refurbishment of the track and infrastructure of TRAM d’Alacant’s Gata de Gorgos – Dénia section.
- This proceeding transforms the level crossings of the old trenet into traffic light crossings and integrates the route into the urban environment.
The Generalitat is making progress in the implementation of the new tramway route in Dénia and has completed the works that affected the junction of Joan Fuster Avenue with Camí Pou de la Muntanya.
The tramway works are being carried out in coordination with the City Council of this area and will make it possible to transform the level crossings into traffic light crossings, achieving a much more permeable and urbanistically integrated Joan Fuster avenue, putting an end to the division caused by the train line when it cut through the Dénia south side of the avenue. Altogether, the tramway works span over 1,220 metres.
At present, and within the project for renovating and fitting out the track and infrastructure of the Gata de Gorgos – Dénia section, the tramway works are being carried out from Metge Manuel Vallalta Street to Diana Street, where a roundabout has been built on the railway platform at the junction with Joan Fuster Avenue.
Throughout the project, close coordination has been maintained with the Dénia City Council, which has also planned a series of complementary actions to carry out the future tramway development in the city of Dénia.
These proceedings are essentially intended to aid the permeabilisation of the tramway, consisting of the implementation of traffic lights and urban adaptation of the different existing level crossings.
The works are part of the investment plan drafted for the modernisation of TRAM d’Alacant’s Line 9 between Altea and Dénia. The Generalitat is carrying out different proceedings on this line in order to fully renovate and modernise it and to achieve quality standards comparable to the rest of the regional network in Alicante.
This work, like the rest implemented on Line 9, is likely to be co-financed by the European Union through the Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
First phase
In the first phase, the infrastructure refurbishment work was carried out on the section before the entrance to the FGV station in Dénia, some 400 metres running from Diana Street along Joan Fuster Avenue.
This work involved fitting out a tramway platform split off from the parallel roads. On this section, the old Camí de Lladres vehicle level crossing was upgraded for future tram and road traffic, improving the accessibility and safety of the pedestrian crossings at this intersection.
In turn, the archaeological work carried out has made it possible to conserve the wall of the medieval defensive system of the Raval del Fortí.
The planned work also included the refurbishment of Dénia station, renovating the track bed and refurbishing the platforms to adapt them to the new dual diesel-electric rolling stock. At the same time, the station building was refurbished with the improvement of the waterproofing of roofs, carpentry claddings, cleaning of façades and painting of the metal structure.
The work of the first phase of the tramway implementation in the city of Denia was included in the refurbishment project for the stations of Benidorm, Teulada and Gata de Gorgos, with an investment budget of 6,404,330 euros.