Puesto de Mando de FGV

filed under Corporativo, Noticias, Noticias FGV.

  • The webinar, which will take place next Monday, will be chaired by the Minister for Territorial Policy and will be attended by the Executive Vice President of the AVI (Valencian Innovation Agency).
  • The aim of the innovation purchase is to modernise and streamline the work that FGV carries out in the vicinity of the tracks, which are currently communicated by paper.

Next Monday, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV), with the technical advice of the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI), will present the first innovation purchase of the public company that, on this occasion, will be a public consultation to the market for the creative project of the Intelligent Orders and Information Bulletin (i-BOI).

This webinar, which will be chaired by the Regional Minister of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility Arcadi España, and in which the executive vice-president of AVI, Andrés García Reche, and the general secretary of AVI, Olivia Estrella, will also participate, aims to explain how a process of public consultation for the market is carried out to find innovative solutions.

Specifically, the project to create the Intelligent Orders and Information Bulletin (i-BOI) aims to ensure the correct reception, understanding and availability of access to information or written orders to optimise and improve the response margin of the different agents involved in the railway operation.

At present, the work carried out in the vicinity of the tracks is communicated by paper, an aspect that generates both obstacles and delays in the daily work of FGV, as well as risks in the process of communication and control of the reception of information and orders.

This ‘online’ technical conference, aimed at specialists from the scientific community, technological institutes and companies, can be followed live through the YouTube channel of the Generalitat. In addition, in order to participate in the debate, any person or company that is interested can register through the following link of Zoom: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m5eAFZQVTd6jpRrrfxtFDA