Metrovalencia Data

Passenger Demand in 2022 63.361.626
Nº of lines: 10*
Kilometres of network 164,275
Kilometres in tunnels 29,553
Kilometres (aboveground)e 134,722
Kilometres (Single Rail) 89,220
Kilometres ( Double Rail) 75,055
Nº of stations and stops 147
Nº of underground stations 39
Nº of aboveground stations 108
Nº of escalators 152
Nº of lifts 102
Nº of trains and trams 108

(*) 6 metro lines (L1, L2, L3, L5, L7, L9) and 4 tram lines (L4, L6, L8, L10)

Metrovalencia Data LINES

Lines Kilometres Stations / Stops
Line 1 72,145 km 40
Line 2 39,445 km 33
Line 3 24′691 km 26
Line 4 16,999 km 33
Line 5 13,293 km** 18
Line 6 3,571 km 21
Line 7 15,497 km 16
Line 8 1,230 km 4
Line 9 24,859 km 23
Line 10 8 km 5

P+M: Number of Parking Spaces

P+M Stations Parking spaces, line
Alginet 50 parking spaces, L1
Bétera 60 parking spaces, L1
Burjassot 250 parking spaces (Town parking), L1
Carlet 40 parking spaces, L1
Empalme 40 parking spaces, L1 – L2
Fondo de Benaguasil 30 parking spaces (Town parking), L2
Font Almaguer 42 parking spaces, L1
Fuente del Jarro 52 parking spaces, L2
L’Eliana 39 parking spaces (Town parking), L2
La Pobla de Vallbona 40 parking spaces, L2
La Presa 123 parking spaces, L9
Llíria 41 parking spaces, L2
Manises 28 parking spaces (Town parking), L3, L5, L9
Masía de Traver 198 parking spaces, L9
Massarrojos 62 parking spaces, L1
Paiporta 50 parking spaces (Town parking), L1 – L2 – L7
Paterna 23 parking spaces, L2
Riba-roja de Túria 47 parking spaces, L9
Rocafort 54 parking spaces, L1
Sant Ramón 3 parking spaces, L1
Sant Isidre 115 parking spaces (Town parking), L1 – L2 – L7
Santa Rita 133 parking spaces (Town parking), L2
Seminari-CEU 48 parking spaces (Town parking), L1
Quart de Poblet 562 parking spaces (Town parking), L3 – L5 – L9
València la Vella 38 parking spaces (Town parking), L9
València Sud 590 parking spaces, L1 – L2 – L7