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- Consejo de Administración (25)
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- Corporativo (391)
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- Noticias FGV (586)
- Noticias Metrovalencia (329)
- Noticias TRAM (292)
- notícies FGV – butlletí (31)
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Enlaces de interés
Entradas recientes
- The Council approves the decree-law that extends the reductions in transport passes and multi-journey tickets for six months
- Carlos Mazón announces the extension of free transportation for young people and 50% discounts on multi-journey tickets and temporary passes
- The plenary session of the Council approves the extension of the 50% reduction in the multi-journey tickets and the Free Temporal Jove season ticket
- The meeting between Generalitat, ADIF and Alicante City Council enables progress in the agreement to build the TRAM d’Alacant intermodal station
- Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat collaborates in the European project nPETS, which analyses air quality in the transport sector